giving to the work

If you'd like to give to the work of the church ...

Kesgrave Baptist Church operates entirely on the basis of donations made by people who are part of the church, and we are extremely grateful for the generosity of so many people. Every effort is made to ensure that good use is made of every penny of money given, and the leadership of the church is accountable first and foremost to the membership of the church. 

Kesgrave Baptist Church is also registered as a CIO (Charitable Incorporated Organisation) with the Charities Commission, and is also accountable to the Commission for the proper use of its funds.

There are several ways you can give to the church summarised below, but if you can, we’d encourage you to give via Bank Transfer (BACS). And if you are a UK tax payer, then please do complete a Gift Aid form, which allows the church to claim back the tax on the donation.

The most cost effective way to give to the work of the church is by bank transfer. The church’s account details are:

Account Name: Kesgrave Baptist Church CIO
Sort Code: 20-44-51
Number: 80525480

You can give by credit or payment card online.

Click on the image to go to an online giving page (you can also opt to Gift Aid with one-off gifts)

If you prefer to give using cash, we don’t take an offering during the service, but there is  box at the back for cash donation 

Gift Aid

If you are a UK tax-payer, then you can give permission for KBC to claim back basic rate tax against your donations. You’d need to complete a simple form to confirm you are a UK tax-payer, with a few details, but this only needs to be done once, and can be retrospective.

Click here to go to an online Gift Aid form: