
Do join us for our Sunday morning service at 10.30 am
or our Sunday evening service at 6.00 pm

(On 2nd Sunday of each month, our evening service is moved forward to 2.30 pm)

Meeting In-Person

Do join us in-person at the church for our main Sunday morning and evening worship. We observe careful social distancing, in keeping with government guidelines. For more details of where to find us, click here. If you’d like more details of the services, fill out the contact form here.

Meeting over Zoom

Or, if you are unable to meet in person, or need to keep yourself isolated, you can join us on Zoom, using

Meeting ID 990-4216-9219
Passcode: KBC-zoom

Or you can view our services live-streamed on our Facebook page where you can also see past recordings of the services.

What should I expect at a Sunday morning service?

When you arrive you will be greeted by one of our welcome team, who will be happy to answer any questions you might have about our meetings and offer you a Bible to use during the church services.

There is no dress code and no set seats, you can wear what you like and sit where you like. You don’t need to bring anything. We don’t collect any money. The words to the hymns and songs are all on an overhead screen. 

There will be a mixture of traditional hymns, more modern songs, prayers, Bible readings, a children’s talk and a sermon that explains a passage in the Bible and applies it to our lives today. Our sermons are usually in a series that seek to work through whole books of the Bible, so that we can hear as much of God’s word as possible. 

We have Communion during the morning service on the first Sunday of the month. (See below for details).

Services usually last around an hour and a quarter. Following the formal part of our meeting there will be tea and coffee served (apart from when there is communion). We’d love to get to know you better during this time.

For details of what’s happening each week, see our calendar.

What about children?

We love having children and families with us and want them to be as welcome as possible. For children aged 3 to school year 6 we have a Sunday school. If you have children under 3 and you want to take them out of the service we have a room with toys where you can still listen to the service whilst they play.

For more details of Sunday School, click here.

What about money?

We don’t take an offering during our services, but if you wish to give there is a donation box for voluntary offerings.  

Are there disabled facilities?

Our building is wheelchair accessible, with flexible seating to allow those with access restrictions to sit wherever is most comfortable, as well as disabled toilet facilities.

Will I be able to hear?

Microphones are used throughout our services to make sure nothing spoken from the front is missed. A hearing loop is also available for those with hearing aids.

What happens in a communion service?

On the 1st Sunday of each month at the end of the morning service, and the 3rd Sunday of the month in the evening service we have a simple service of communion, where we particularly remember the death of the Lord Jesus. The bread is passed round the congregation, then small glasses of alcohol-free wine are taken around by the people serving.

If you are a baptised member of the church at Kesgrave and are walking in fellowship with the Lord and with fellow believers, you are very welcome to participate. Also, if you are visiting us, and have been baptised as a believer by immersion and are a member of another church and are walking in fellowship with the Lord, we would also invite you to join us. But even if you aren’t participating, you are very welcome to stay with us and watch this part of the service.

What happens at a Sunday evening meeting?

We are meet at the church each Sunday evening at 6.00pm for a short service, including a short meditation from the Bible, one or two hymns or songs, and a time of prayer. We finish by 7.00pm. Anyone is welcome to join us, and you can also join us over Zoom: Meeting ID 164-135-633

(On 2nd Sunday of each month, our evening service is moved forward to 2.30 pm), so that it follows on from our fellowship lunch.