Activities for Young people
Friday Night Youth Clubs
We are looking forward to restarting all 3 youth groups in September following the Summer Holidays.
They will begin on September 10th.

Each Friday during term time, we run 3 youth groups, for different age ranges. Anyone is welcome – come and enjoy a great evening of fun and friendship in a safe environment. You don’t need to be part of the church, or even a Christian.
At each of the youth clubs we’ll do a variety of games, quizzes, craft, challenges and other activities. Every term we aim to have at least one outing for bowling, toboganning, or a trip to a nearby playing field. At the older two groups, there’s a tuck shop.
We have a talk from the bible, done in an engaging and understandable way.
We would love to see your children at one of our clubs. If you’d like more information, drop us a line here.
Sunday School
Sunday School
For children aged 3 up to school years 6
During the Sunday Morning Service 10.30 - 11.45 am
Sunday school is held during the morning service most weeks (except very occasionally). It is for children from aged 3 up to school year 6. The children stay in the first part of the service either sitting with the Sunday School leaders or their parents. There is usually a talk aimed specifically at the children during this part of the service. After about 20 mins we move into the hall to our own Sunday school for the rest of the service.
We do a variety of things like, singing, praying, listening to bible story, playing games, doing craft and having worksheets or colouring pages.
When the service and Sunday school finishes the children return to their parents. If it is a week when there is a communion service after the morning service the children can remain in Sunday school. These weeks we have a drink and a biscuit and then continue Sunday school until the communion service is over.