New Here?
We love having visitors join us and hope you will feel welcomed and at home. The information on this page will tell you what we do and what happens in our meetings. It does not matter if you are a committed Christian, not sure what to believe or a convinced atheist – you are welcome to join us in person to find out more.
About Us
We’re a group of all sorts of people from different backgrounds. But there’s one common factor: a belief in Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord. And from children to grandparents, there are many stories of lives which have been touched by the love and grace of God.
But above all, the thing at the heart of Kesgrave Baptist Church is the good news about how we can be forgiven, made right with God, and fully accepted by him through the death of His Son.
Find out more about us here.
If you’re thinking of joining us, this is probably the best time. We meet on a Sunday morning at the church in Cambridge Road. Our services are very simple, with hymns & songs, prayers, Bible readings – but always centred around a talk from the Bible, where someone (usually the Pastor) helps us understand the passage and applies it to our lives.
For children aged 3 to school year 6 we have a Sunday school. If you have children under 3 and you want to take them out of the service we have a room with toys where you can still listen to the service whilst they play.
Most weeks we’ll have tea and coffee after the service, and we’d love to get to know you better then.
For more details of what happens in our services, click here.
What else goes on in the church?
You’d be very welcome to join us in any of our activities – where we look to engage with people of all ages. These range from Friday night Youth Groups for youngsters, to midweek women’s meeting; from coffee mornings to monthly men’s and women’s breakfasts; from midweek prayer meetings to occasional church barbecues.
But through all of these meetings and activities, we hope to support and encourage people as a loving fellowship of Christians, and to share the good news of the gospel of Jesus with others.
Find out more about activities in the church here.
What should I wear? Whatever you feel comfortable in! Some come in a suit; most are dressed in normal casual clothes. Your jeans are fine!
Will I be asked for money? We don’t take an offering during our services. There’s a donation box at the back, and you’re welcome to contribute if you want to, but we certainly don’t expect that from visitors!
Where do you get your money from? We’re an independent church, so we almost entirely rely on the generous giving of church members!
Will I have to do anything embarrassing? No! We want you to feel at home and welcome. We do sing together as a congregation. Some of the songs are quite well known, others you may not be familiar with. Just go with the flow – most people find they catch on pretty quickly and enjoy it a lot!
What do I do with my kids? We love having children and families with us and want them to be as welcome as possible. For children aged 3 to school year 6 we have a Sunday school. If you have children under 3 and you want to take them out of the service we have a room with toys where you can still listen to the service whilst they play. We don’t mind a bit of noise, and we try to be as child-friendly as we can.